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Good Morning Delmarva with David Galeone Graphic

Just to clear my mind

April 19, 2021

1000 things on my mind

Something I have started doing again is running. Well maybe not running but jogging with a walk break here or there. I used to run every day and would get 4-6 miles a day in first thing in the morning. Our dog Roxi went with me just about everyday and if I ever left her behind she wasn't happy about it. But I wasn't a fair weather runner. I ran in the snow, rain, it didn't matter I really didn't feel myself without going for that morning run. Back when I was really running I used to run about 1000 miles per year. A number of months with over 100 miles of running. It was how I got myself ready for the day. It helped me clear my head of the 1000's of things bouncing around.

Getting back into it

I have never been a fast runner. I am not built like a runner for a matter of fact I don't consider myself much of a runner at all. I started running because of our dog Roxi actually. When we decided to get a Boxer I had not idea what we were in for. Wow they have a lot of energy. So I decided one morning I was going to take her for a walk. Then I thought you know we will go jogging. I made it to the end of the development where we lived at and thought to myself, wow I had to of run at least a mile. I was tired and walked back. Later that day I drove and paid attention to how far it was. It wasn't even half a mile. I couldn't believe it. I made up my mind I was going to start running and I did each morning. It got easier, I got a little faster, and I actually really liked it a lot. Actually I hated it when I didn't get to go.

Getting back into it this time hasn't been easy. I took a hard fall back in 2018. I mean I really messed up my ankle BAD. Even though I haven't been running much at all since then I did try to keep up with some sort of workout in the mornings. But I found myself playing on my phone longer, drinking more coffee, and cutting my workouts shorter and shorter. And skipping many more days than I should doing any kind of workout. And there was another problem. I really love to eat.

You can't out exercise a bad diet

But I can try! I know I am only going to change my diet so much. I also know that I started putting on some additional pounds and blamed it on COVID. I did find out that my washer was actually shrinking my clothes though. Apparently we started using hot water to wash our laundry in. See I wasn't crazy my clothes were shrinking.

As much as I joke and kid around about eating the way I do, I had a bit of a shock recently when I tipped the scales, I mean I had to do a double take over 242 lbs. This was the heaviest I have been.

Well if I am not going to stop eating I better start working out harder. So I got my running shoes out.

It isn't easy 

Starting back out I went down in our little home gym and tried to run for a mile at a slower pace. Did I tell you how much I love a treadmill? I despise them. Anyway I did this for a couple weeks until I could hold a slightly less embarrassing pace for a mile.

Then a couple weeks ago I went out and hit the pavement. I really can't tell you how good it felt. Roxi and I have been taking our morning runs/jogs and I instantly remembered why I loved running so much. All the things bouncing around in my mind about everything I need to do aren't there. All the notifications, messages, emails well they will have to wait.

Partly because I am thinking should my heart rate be this high? No, because I am just listening to some jams and putting one foot in front of the other. And clearing my mind.

Guess what has happened 

I feel a lot better now. That morning jog gets me ready for the day. I have dropped back down to 223 that is 19lbs from my heaviest weight and I haven't stopped eating. I mean the other night I had 4 slices of pizza some wings, and crab dip and french-fries.

What does any of this have to do with Shop Local Delmarva

Nothing really. And that is just it. Sometimes getting away from all the distractions can make all of the difference.

I still watch the news even though I try not to pay attention to some of it. I have seen so many post from friends a number who are business owners who are frustrated. I saw a post the other day from a friend and messaged with him just to talk. We have all seen business after business with help wanted signs. On a recent post shared to our group there are over 70 local places looking for help. I have gotten message after message from business owners and managers asking if it is OK to make posts for help wanted to our group. Each time I say of course and then I get a message back how they can't find help.

I recently got my unemployment rates and just like many other business owners I was less than happy to find out the amount of additional money we will be paying compared to last year. It is pretty easy with everything going on to get overwhelmed with the negativity and let it drag you down.

It is really easy to let a bunch of noise and things going on around you influence your mood. How you feel really can make a huge difference in the way you look at things.

So go for a walk, go for a run. or go fishing! Whatever it takes to reset and clear your head. Do something kind for someone else. I bet it will make you feel better. And when you come back from that little detour from that thing we call life you might be able to see things clearer too.

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