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Helping Others This Holiday Season 

By Michelle Nelson

November 14,  2023

 It’s the season of giving but it’s also the season of busy-ness, and I know if I’m not careful, my schedule gets out of whack and many of my best intentions go by the wayside. “This is the year,” I often say, “I’m going to …” fill in the blank with all the good deeds and special events you can think of ... but then before I know it, my to-do list is too long and I’m a little bit stressed. Or a lot.

So, I’m determined to turn things around this year and one organization that depends upon the community’s help is the Salvation Army of the Lower Eastern Shore. I talked to Rose Taylor, the local chapter’s community and donor relations manager, and she explained the details of three programs that benefit people directly in this area.

The most well-known one is probably the Red Kettle Campaign. We’ve all seen the bell ringers. We’ve walked by them; maybe we’ve tossed money in, if we are even carrying cash these days. I was a bell ringer years ago because a friend set it up for me to participate, but this year, I’ve decided to find out more and make good on my best intentions. Bell Ringers are an integral part of the funds raised for the Salvation Army, and volunteers are needed to don aprons and ring the bell at many locations around the shore. Volunteers are needed in the tri-county area (Somerset, Worcester and Wicomico) and you can reserve slots and then man the time yourself or divide it up for your organization. Indoor and outdoor locations are available, and I was surprised when I saw the variety of places. Food Lion, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Hobby Lobby, Goose Creek and others – they all welcome bell ringers. The best way to choose is to call Taylor at 410-749-RING (7464) to find out what’s available and when. Bell ringers are needed from now through Dec. 23.

One question I had was about simple logistics – how does a volunteer get the red kettle and what happens to it when the shift is over? Taylor explained that they have “kettle drivers” that drop off the supplies and pick up the kettle at the conclusion of the shift to take it to a secure location. It’s important to show up for your shift on time and stay for the duration, since someone will be meeting you.

Important to note is that all funds raised stay right here on the Eastern Shore. They are not going to a main office somewhere across the country; everything raised stays local so when you donate, contributions are helping your own community. 

Next up is the Angel Tree program. A whopping 1,400 children from birth to age 14 in Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties will receive Christmas gifts this year thanks to the Salvation Army. There was an earlier registration period for families to sign up, showing proof of income, residency, and children’s birth certificates. There are two ways you can help with this. One, look for the trees at local businesses and choose a tag for a child. It will list three gifts to purchase. Some individuals want all the tags for a family so they can shop for all the children. If that’s you, contact Rose Taylor at 410-749-7771, ext. 100.

 After shopping, you’ll return the gifts, unwrapped with the tag attached, and the Salvation Army gym will quickly fill up with presents that will then have to be registered, packed and sorted. A lot of volunteers are needed for this from now until Dec. 16. Shifts are from 1 to 4 hours. Each year, Perdue Farms donates a truckload of bikes, toys and clothes for the drive and volunteers are needed to help unload and sort 1,000 presents specifically on Dec. 9.

As tags and gifts are brought in, if there is not enough for a child, volunteers can supplement by choosing extras from the toy room, Taylor explained. All the hard work leads up to Distribution Day Dec. 19, when families will pick up the children’s presents from the Salvation Army offices. Volunteers are needed for that, as well as the following day when extra toys are packed and put in storage for the following year.

Another volunteer opportunity is helping with the food pantry at the Salvation Army office. The pantry is open by appointment Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – noon and 1 – 4 p.m. All that’s needed to utilize it is a photo ID and proof of residency, such as an electric bill, showing that you live in Wicomico, Worcester or Somerset counties. Taylor said there is one man who regularly volunteers to pack food boxes for distribution, but they could use more help.  They are seeing an increase in clients and are working to keep the pantry stocked. Food is provided by the Maryland Food Bank, and donations are always accepted there or can be dropped off directly at the Salvation Army office.  

All of these opportunities are open to civic clubs, school organizations, and businesses. Students can earn community service hours if needed. How about a neighborhood food drive? Or your family can adopt a child through the Angel Tree program. Spend a few hours bell ringing and enlist others to participate.

It is the season of abundance for many, but not for all. What a wonderful blessing we could be this Christmas and gain perspective in the process. Contact Rose Taylor at 410-749-7771, ext. 100, or at to sign up for any of these programs.

The Salvation Army offices and food pantry are at 407 Oak Street in Salisbury. Take Angel Tree gifts and food donations there.  

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