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Gut Feeling

Have you ever got that gut feeling? I mean you know that something is off or that something isn't right. Or that you know something just because? How often do you go with your gut?

I almost always do. And when for whatever reason I don't, I seem to always end up regretting it. Sure I have went with my gut and I have been wrong a time or two. But if something doesn't feel right and your intuition is telling you that you shouldn't do it...well you probably shouldn't. Because it is no fun looking at yourself in the mirror saying I told you so!

But there are times that you have to deal with people that don't give you those warm and fuzzy feelings. I am still processing a recent encounter that I had. It was quite odd I didn't get a good read of the person at all. And actually I wasn't quite sure if I liked them or not. Really weird because I liked everyone else at the office. So it was strange I spoke to 3 people at the office and they were super. Now when I get back to see the person I had an appointment with - well I got what I thought was mediocre at best service.

Without going into too much detail the person that I used to see retired. And I really liked this person. We didn't hit it off well and actually we kind of got into a little bit of an argument regarding something on my first visit almost 15 years ago. But after that first encounter I couldn't have asked for a nicer person.

Now the new person I met for the first time and I wasn't exactly impressed. Actually I am not sure if I made a great first impression either. I can be set in my ways a bit. And if asked for my opinion on something I will probably give it. And that might come off a certain kind of way to someone who is used to telling people what to do.

But in this situation I am the customer and want to feel like this is someone I want to continue to see. I want to be able to discuss things with them and not get a typical - this is what fits in the box. I shouldn't feel like I have to do something just because they say so. Do I need their services yes. Are there others that provide it - yes lots of them. So do I have to go see them NOPE.

Here is another one of the old sayings that I say at our offices a LOT. People have a choice...we appreciate them choosing us!

And that is just it we all have choices and why do we chose to go somewhere or continue to come back? A lot of it can be up to your first impression of a place or the people there.

First Impressions

Your first impressions are really just kind of your gut feeling. It is your opinion or instincts or a maybe a vibe you pick up. It isn't something that you have put much time and effort into forming. Many people will make up their mind about you with no more than a glance and decide to close the book on you. It might not be right or fair but that is how much of our world can be.

You may not really care but if you are meeting someone for the first time that you want to make a good impression on. Or maybe you are walking in for a job interview, you will want to give the best first impression you can. Most people will remember that first impression.

I have a little sheet that I use when I am interviewing people at our offices. And right at the top of the sheet I have a 1-10 First impression. My first impression is just a overall feeling that I have when I meet someone. I mean they may not have said anything other than their name or hello when I know what I am putting down. It is the first thing I have on that sheet because that is how big of a deal it is to me. And my first impression will most likely be much different than others. However I know what kind of person that I want to have dealing with our customers. And if a person makes a good first impression on me than it will hopefully be a good one for them too.

But other things can influence that first impression too. It can even be your business itself. Have you ever pulled up to a restaurant and decided to go somewhere else because of your first impression of the place? Or have you walked in somewhere and decided to leave after walking inside? 

The other day I was embarrassed by one of my offices. The building next door had put trash cans out and trash had blown all over my parking lot. We try to keep as much trash picked up as possible but it seems to be a never ending tasks. But imagine a customer pulling up for the first time and seeing trash all over the parking lot. Not a good first impression at all.

What Makes a Good or Bad First Impression

A business location can give off a good or bad impression itself just like my trash example above. So keeping your parking lot clean and grass trimmed, have your trash cans tucked around the back of the property and out of site is a plus too. Neat and tidy.

I am sure we have all been traveling and needed to stop and get gas or something to eat. Are you going to stop at a place with trash all over or a run down looking building? Me...probably not. I will keep driving.

Now when it comes to you just relax, be yourself, make eye contact, listen, smile, dress for the occasion. Be confident and prepared. Be on time. Simple things like just having manners and being respectful.

And a couple things that you really don't want to do is walk in like you just fell out of bed. Seriously I still tell a story about a guy who came in for an interview in flip flops shorts with sunglasses on his head. It looked like he was heading to the beach. We didn't hire him because I was jealous! :) Now that wouldn't have been a bad way to dress for some job interviews but...

A few others things that can give off a bad first impression is talking over someone, overstating your abilities, fidget with your phone keys or other things that may be distracting.


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You may notice certain businesses are highlighted and standout not only in the directory but we highlight them on our Facebook Page as well as our group. This ever growing list of businesses help us promote  a lot of great things in our community. Many of our blogs which you can find right here are focused on our community and our local businesses.

Many of these businesses are helping us promote other local businesses. Which really is what Delmarva is all about. I am asked quite often how a business can be part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you are part of our group you are part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you like the group and like the concept of a digital type of media that we share blogs, videos, highlights and features and want to be part of it we would love to have your support. You can find out more information here. All of our supporters, partners, and sponsors are on the rotating banners on most of our blogs just like this one.

If any of our supporters, partners, or sponsors have upcoming events we encourage them to let us know so we can help them promote them as well.

The whole idea of Shop Local Delmarva is all about our local community supporting local businesses, and our local businesses supporting our local community. It goes round and round.

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