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Shrimp and Grits

Last week we went to a place that felt a lot like Salisbury. Some things really good and some not so good. Our son went to a basketball camp at Duke University. The campus and grounds were stunning. The gyms were unbelievable and the coaches and staff members were awesome as well. While our son was at camp we explored several places in Durham, NC. When we first arrived and checked into the hotel we figured we would head out and grab a bite to eat. We went to a Mexican Restaurant that was close to our hotel and I have to say our start to eating out in Durham was off to a rocky start. The menu looked pretty familiar to one of our favorites back home so I ordered one of my regular dishes and so did Erica. Well it didn't get a thumbs up for sure. But I did put down a basket of chips and salsa which I haven't had in months. 

The next day I got up and went down to get coffee at 5:00 am and got informed that the coffee wasn't available to purchase until 6:30 on the weekends, and 7 on the weekends!! This didn't make me really happy either. I don't know about you but I will not use those hotel room coffee makers...I just can't do it. I need real coffee. What else was there to do at 5 am? Some may sleep. Of course I decided to go to the gym and workout. The great thing about working out really early is there normally isn't anyone else there. So after working out I still had some time to kill before getting coffee. ERR..OK I am going to go for a little jog. I stepped outside and it was HOT, I mean like really hot and humid. I got a couple miles in and came back just in time!! 6:30. I walk up and ask for a large coffee and didn't get the most polite response letting me know it wasn't ready yet. So I waited awhile longer and finally COFFEE!! It tasted like Crap. I think the attitude of the person who made it had something to do with it. But, I drank it anyway.

Off to camp, once we arrived from our short drive it was a little over a half mile from the parking lot to the check in and then a half mile back. So we were getting our steps in. Erica wanted to see the Chapel and also the gardens. I felt indifferent about going to either when she asked me about it. But after spending a good amount of time walking around and seeing them both it was time well spent. You could easily spend all day walking the garden itself and not see everything. We went a couple days and didn't see the entire 57 acres. I also have found a new plant that I want to plant around our home too.  

After that we grabbed a bite to eat on campus. I didn't take a pic of the food we got but this was like a large food court. So of course we all got something different. Our daughter gets pasta every chance she can. I ordered from Tandoor an authentic Indian place. I tossed the diet out the window for this trip and got beef and chicken with basmati rice vegetables and naan bread! This was really good and I ate every single bit of it.   

Later that night we decided to check out the downtown area and I have to admit I got pretty frustrated. After driving around for a good amount of time trying to find somewhere to park with no luck we finally found a parking lot. I pulled in to the empty parking lot and it says monthly parking only! ERR. So between the BIKE lanes and trying to find a place to park on the side of the street I was quickly losing the little bit of patience I have. Did I tell you about the scooters left lying all over the sidewalks or in the roads? We were sitting at a stop light when a few dirt bikes come flying by doing wheelies running the red lights. All I could do is shake my head and think WOW this is welcoming. We changed course and started back to the hotel and just grabbed something on the way and it was meant to be. We ate at a really nice Italian restaurant called Pomodoro Italian Kitchen.

David was happy once again. I can get a bit hangry. I ate a PIZZA, not the entire pizza but just about the whole thing. And it defiantly didn't have pineapple on it!! We got a spinach pizza and it was cooked to perfection. I also had a salad and a bite of their chicken parmesan that really reminded me of Zia's chicken parmesan!! It was fantastic. For the life of me I can not remember our wonderful waitresses name but she came and had the kids go check out their desserts!! OMG. I was in trouble now. Of course I had to help them finish it too.

After we finished eating we chatted a bit longer with our waitress and she introduced us to her daughter who was eating at a table across from us. She told her that we were from out of town and had her tell us about places we should visit. When she mentioned downtown I told her our earlier experience and she said yes parking can be a challenge but there is a parking garage. LOL Really...I didn't see it. She gave me a hint and told me about a place I could probably find a spot to park. Super nice people and the kind of hospitality that really makes you want to smile.

The next morning same thing with waiting for coffee. So I did the same thing. But it was even hotter. I only did about a mile and a half after working out and when I came back an older gentleman said to me you didn't get your 5 miles in. I laughed and said no sir it is a bit hot out this morning. He laughed and I walked in to get that coffee. To my surprise a wonderful lady greeted me and got my coffee. I couldn't help myself and had to tell her how pleasant she was and how not so pleasant my visit was the other morning. She said that she really appreciated the feedback. At the same time a gentleman behind me said yes the lady yesterday was really mean and had a bad attitude with him too. So it wasn't just me. She told me to enjoy my day and my coffee. I told her I knew this cup of coffee was going to be great because she made it.

We did the camp drop off thing but we stayed for a bit. And I am so glad I did. They had a surprise guest come out to speak to all the kids. It was Coach K. I admit I am not a basketball fan myself. But he coached Duke for 42 years and won five national titles, 13 Final Fours, 15 ACC tournament championships, and 13 ACC regular season titles. That's pretty impressive. He had a great message for all the kids. And a little something I took away from it was for them to use their voice. Use their voice to cheer on others, use their voice and be heard to talk to each other. He said a lot more and was just a great example to motivate them and me too! We also spent a bit of time at the Duke Store and grabbed a couple gifts while we were there. You can find any and everything Duke there.

Then we did the gardens again and went to some shops not far from our hotel that we were staying at. It was about lunch time and there were several restaurants in the shopping center that we were at. Erica and I played a game of you pick, no you pick. We decided on Mexican once again at a different place. This place was awesome. It was called Michoacan Mexican Restaurant. Our server was great and I started off with a basket of chips and dip, we got some queso and more chips. I devoured some Texan fajitas and was a pretty happy fella. Erica and our daughter enjoyed their meals too. This was a much more authentic restaurant and I would absolutely eat there again.

We did the pick up from camp and came back to the hotel right before a pretty bad storm. Went out for dinner to a chain place since it was right in the same parking lot as our hotel. And well we left still hungry and it was pretty sad. They had help wanted signs up everywhere too. There was a 25 min wait and they couldn't of had 1/4 of the restaurant being used. Same story no help. My food was horrible and I almost sent it back but then I just figured it wasn't even worth it, Erica's was even worse and she didn't even eat it. I am not knocking chain places. I have been to this same restaurant and have left feeling like I was going to burst from eating so much. But this just wasn't good at all. And the morale of the few workers that were there well they might as well not have been there either. This is such a horrible trend to see all over with so many places. Almost an attitude of well you aren't going to fire me or I just don't care.

We got back to the hotel and Erica and I grabbed a little something else to eat and a drink at the bar. When I noticed the bartender and one other waiter were taking care of all the tables and the bar. I said no help? He said no one wants to work. And he was a nice enough guy but he was checked out too. Unbelievable and just sad.

The next morning coffee isn't ready until 7. UGH!! I woke up and just didn't feel like working out so I didn't. Called in a rest day. I watched the news and got both sad and mad about everything going on in our country. Later we did the camp drop off...and now we were heading to town to do some shopping. My little girl could do this all day...she doesn't get that from me however I know who she does get that from.

Erica had heard of a diner that she wanted to check out called Elmo's Diner.  Now since I had tossed the diet right out the window I knew exactly what I wanted when I saw it on their menu. Shrimp and Grits! And let me tell you  I ate every single drop after covering them with Sriracha sauce of course. I have a pic to prove it too. They were delicious and our waitress was great. She stayed and chatted for a bit and let us know of a few places to check out.

Speaking of chatting, I chatted with a few of the people in the shops and asked how business was. And much like our business owners here on Delmarva they had much of the same to say. I heard that the people in their community have been great to them and that is the reason they are still here. One store Vaguely Reminiscent I spoke to a few of the workers there and bought a couple pot holders for my grill (they aren't PG) but I had to get them. This gift shop had almost anything you can imagine. I found a couple of other little items and so did my little shopper!! I mentioned our group and how much it had grown and helped small businesses during COVID and I heard how more and more people made it a priority to support and buy from local businesses there too. That certainly made me feel good. But in each place I walked in all I could see was help wanted signs everywhere. I don't think that I walked in to a place that I didn't see a help wanted sign.

We stopped by the highly recommended Regulator Book Shop. It was cool I guess if you like books Erica and my daughter could have once again stayed there for hours. Me I walked in and was like I will be outside. It's just not my thing. 

As I waited outside I started to take notice of the homeless population there. We had seen several people on the corners of several streets and although we weren't bothered by anyone it was concerning to see so many homeless people on the streets holding signs up. I don't know what the answer to this is but it is a really sad situation. I also noticed another one of my biggest pet peeves. Trash and litter. I noticed a couple of clean up efforts taking place there as well. But such a shame that this happens all over.

We went back for the camp pick up and we had made plans for dinner with another family from Salisbury. They had family from the area and had made reservations to a really nice restaurant. We met at the Refectory Cafe' and had a really nice dinner sitting outside. It was a perfect night to enjoy eating outside too.

We all know what had happened to my diet already on this trip. So I ate my dinner a delicious bone in pork shank, then our daughter had ordered Maryland Style Crab Cakes there. I have to say these were not Maryland Style Crab Cakes, they kind of reminded me of a Maryland style sand crab fritter if there is such a thing. They weren't bad but it wasn't what she was expecting and tasted nothing like a MD Style Jumbo Lump Crab Cake. I started to tell them and show them my credentials!! LMAO Since she didn't care for them of course she needed Dads help to finish them. I was happy to help. I can't stand to see food wasted. Erica saved me a few bites of her Blackened Salmon and that was GREAT. Then came desserts. Did I say I went off my diet? I ordered a slice of Apple Pie with Ice Cream, Erica got a slice of cheese cake and only had a couple of bites when I asked if she was getting a box? HAHA She was not...well I guess someone will have to finish that. Trust me I heard all night that she couldn't believe I ate that cheesecake. And my son polished off his apple pie, but my little girl once again couldn't finish her strawberry rhubarb pie! So Dad to the rescue. I was stuffed. Stick a fork, in me I am done.

The last day and I knew as soon as I opened my eyes I needed to get more than a little workout in to make up for the couple extra calories I consumed the night before. I get down to the gym and get a nice workout in and then I remember coffee isn't ready until 7. I went for a little jog. It was cooler out that morning and actually quite refreshing. I walk up to get coffee and look who it is Ms Personality. She actually was a bit nicer but still not getting any rave reviews from me- at least she said good morning. But, I think it was forced. And I haven't had my coffee so I didn't feel like putting in much effort with her. Coffee was a bit better. I did the camp drop off thing while Erica started getting things packed up to head home. When I got back to the room we loaded up the car and checked out. We had a bit of time to kill so we walked around the campus of Duke again. It truly is a beautiful campus. Then we watched a final scrimmage game before getting on the way home.

Lunch, where do you want to eat? Let's get something on the way. Exit after exit the same couple of options that just wasn't really doing it for us. So we kept driving saying let's see what is at the next one. Big mistake. Major back up. We sat in traffic stopped. Then we would move a foot, then stop, then move a car length and stop for well over an hour. Hungry stuck in traffic and brake lights as far as you can see. I wasn't smiling. But when we did finally get up to the accident that had happened there had been 5 vehicles involved in a pretty bad accident. Being stuck in traffic wasn't that bad after all.

The rest of the trip home was pretty smooth sailing. A quick stop by my parents house to pick up our dog and we were just about home. It is such a great feeling pulling in your driveway and walking into your own home. And not to make anyone upset or anything but I weighed myself when we got back and I actually lost a pound!


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