Shop the Abbi Custis Spring Sale

Is anybody out there catching spring fever? With the nature around us starting to bloom into beautiful colors, it’s the perfect time to highlight one of our favorite local artists who is continually bringing fresh, colorful masterpieces into our community.

Our Shop Local Delmarva Supporter, Abbi Custis has released some bold, new spring patterns, along with a special code to save 15% on spring prints.

Just go to her website to view the sale items and use the code SPRING24 now through April 4th for the extra savings.

Have an idea of something special you’d like Abbi to create for you? She has been masterfully turning people’s wishes into works of art with her commissioned pieces. So you can have an “Abbi original,” colorful, creation of your own. Visit her website for more information, and bring some of the wonderful whimsy of her world, into yours.


Artist Abbi Custis:

Known for her colorful flair and fun designs, Abbi has become known far beyond her Eastern Shore home.

Currently, her fresh use of paint and epoxy resin is making waves in the entire Mid-Atlantic region. She has been featured in solo and group exhibitions in Washington, DC, New York and Bologna, Italy, and word-of-mouth accolades among individual collectors has her work in great demand.

Inspired by finding art in everyday life, Custis has successfully taken her passion beyond the canvas, creating stunning countertops, custom furniture, backsplashes, even full walls. Her work has also taken on a parallel life in the giftware world; her colors and patterns are beautifully transforming fabrics, paper ware and trays.

Custis has been featured in ARTisSpectrum Magazine and on Home & Garden Television’s Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation series.

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