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Sharing Our Positive Interactions

Shop Local Delmarva was started by just sharing positive things about our local businesses and our community. Today I want to share a few things about a one of our many local treasures here on Delmarva. A place that I have never been but have often heard people talk about, Cherry Beach. I am also going to share about a couple of my other favorite topics FOOD and FISHING. And my run in with the LAW.

First let's talk about Cherry beach. There you will find a boat ramp, dock, pavilion, playground, beach, picnic tables and a large parking lot and a really beautiful view. You can rent this space for gatherings and that is exactly what we did. If you have never been there it is a perfect spot to launch a kayak or just walk out and enjoy the views of the water.

We were there for a celebration of life last weekend and it was attended by a number of family and friends. Two bands played, several special ladies from church came out with loads and loads of food too and it was a pretty perfect day.

Want to learn more about Cherry Beach.

Food and A Cheat Day

Most of you know that I have a strong love for FOOD. Even though I have really been watching what I eat for awhile now I decided that last Sunday was going to be a cheat day. I didn't decide that until I saw all of the food. How would all of these wonderful people have felt if I didn't eat their food that they brought. And seeing this pavilion with table after table filled with delicious foods and desserts? They didn't have to twist my arm at all.

I devoured some fried chicken, dip, ham, and well you get the point. And I figured since I had fallen off the wagon I might as well do it right and had dessert or desserts too! I had a couple slices of apple pie, a piece or two of cheesecake, and a few cookies. I mean if I am going to cheat I am going to really cheat! Those ladies from the church sure can make some fried chicken too.

Special Thanks to My Buddy Mark!

When we got there to set up there was a small issue with the electric and the band didn't have any power. I made a call to a my buddy Mark who happens to be the President of the Rec and Parks there and he came out and helped us get it up and running. Once again something about living in a small community with people that care.

You might have heard me rave about Mark before he is the owner of Dimension X Computer Repair. His help once again was really appreciated.


So I just about always have a couple things that I carry with me in my truck. And one is a travel fishing rod. This little rod is perfect and I have even taken it on vacation. I keep it in the back of my truck just for times like this. I have a bunch of different lures and baits that I keep and I figured I would see if I could catch something. So I tried a few different things with no luck. Moved from one spot to the next. Went back and ate some more. Then I was like well I will try over here. I walked down to the end of the dock and chatted with another guy fishing and I asked him how he was doing. He told me just one catfish on pieces of hot dog. I told him he was doing better than I was.

So I casted and casted and reeled and reeled and not a nibble not a bite...there wasn't a FISH in Sight! Whatever...My mom walked down, Erica walked down, my sister, and brother in law walked down. Catch anything? Nope...just a snag. My son caught a snag too and lost one of my spoons! I ended up reeling in a branch off of a submerged tree and then that is when I was like I think I am going to call it quits. 

Just about the same time I notice the Natural Resources Police pull up. I wasn't worried about it I hadn't caught anything...and I have all of my fishing licenses however I needed to check real quick to see if I had my updated card on my phone.

Erica walked back to the Pavilion and got talking to the officer for awhile. I casted a few more times. I figured I might as well. The officer walked down and started talking to the other guy fishing on the dock. And I heard her telling him all about different types of fish I mean just talking. I like to talk and I wasn't having any luck catching anything. So I walked down and joined in the conversation...imagine that.

She asked me if I had caught anything I told her a couple of snags and a tree branch. She laughed, and I said not my day. Erica had explained why the large gathering was out and she said when I pulled up I thought that was a lot of vehicles out here. I told her I always keep my little travel rod in my truck and told her where I normally fish. We chatted for awhile. And then Officer Nina even joined in on the friendly fishing banter and told me that I was getting put to shame leaving with no fish and the other guy had a catfish. It was a really, really positive interaction with one of our local law enforcement officers.

We highlight people for great service all of the time on our group Shop Local Delmarva and people who make our community special. It is a bit different from my normal shoutouts but Officer Nina was certainly deserving. She could have just went down asked for my licenses but she made the whole interaction enjoyable. Except picking on my that I didn't catch a fish! :)


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And don't forget our Supporters, Partners, and Sponsors.

You may notice certain businesses are highlighted and standout not only in the directory but we highlight them on our Facebook Page as well as our group. This ever growing list of businesses help us promote  a lot of great things in our community. Many of our blogs which you can find right here are focused on our community and our local businesses.

Many of these businesses are helping us promote other local businesses. Which really is what Delmarva is all about. I am asked quite often how a business can be part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you are part of our group you are part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you like the group and like the concept of a digital type of media that we share blogs, videos, highlights and features and want to be part of it we would love to have your support. You can find out more information here. All of our supporters, partners, and sponsors are on the rotating banners on most of our blogs just like this one.

If any of our supporters, partners, or sponsors have upcoming events we encourage them to let us know so we can help them promote them as well.

The whole idea of Shop Local Delmarva is all about our local community supporting local businesses, and our local businesses supporting our local community. It goes round and round.

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