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I got to work and I realized I forgot

What is something that you almost always have with you? And when you realize that you don't have it with you, you feel strange all day? Your wallet, your keys, about your phone! Bingo...

The other day while running out of the house I did something I never do. I forgot my phone. Normally I take it out of my pocket when getting in my truck and toss it on the charger. Well I had a earlier morning appointment and I left my phone in Erica's car.

After taking a couple calls at the office and responding to some emails I went to grab my phone when I noticed I had a call coming in on my watch and couldn't find my phone. (FYI - that is another love hate thing the apple watch) Really I am glad I had the watch because I could respond to calls and text but I suddenly felt almost like I forgot to wear clothes! Crap where is my phone?? Just then I realized that I had forgotten it. I could have asked Erica to bring it to me or slipped home to go get it...but then I was like whatever - I don't need it.

It really is amazing how addicted I am to having it. Several times a day I catch myself with my emails open on my phone and on my computer. Or I might respond to a message on my phone and then have another screen on my computer working on something else. I have two monitors on both of my computers at my offices. One of them is big enough to be two monitors itself. And using the two screens is much more productive. I can use the one to have something pulled up as well as work on another system on the other screen. Occasionally having two things open on one. And yet I still catch myself picking up my phone and responding to emails from my phone!!

I think it has a lot to do with having it in your hand and once it is there it can be hard to just put it down. I have a ring I have had and have worn forever. If I ever leave the house not wearing my ring I can still feel it on my hand. And when I look down it doesn't seem right if it isn't there. This is kind of how my phone has become. And as much as I talk about putting my phone down or trying to take some time away from tech...I keep coming back because it feels odd if I don't.

Last Saturday we spent the bulk of the day at the beach relaxing with some family. Other than to use my phone to play some tunes to my speaker...I didn't look at it for quite awhile. When I did I wished I hadn't...sometimes digging out of the hole of messages, and emails can seem to go on and on.

Out technology has gotten to the point where we can be accessible almost all of the time. And it is nice being able to send someone a message or an email when something is on your mind. But I have stopped myself a couple times recently and sent myself a message to call or text someone back when I am at work so I don't bother them when I know they are off. There are a number of people who will just not respond to messages or emails until they get back to the office or back to their work hours. I am not quite sure how they do it. I don't like to see them build up and I want to try to respond to them as quick as I can. That too is addictive and my phone has both helped and contributed to this. It helps being able to take care of just about anything anywhere...and it really can be a problem to expect to take care of anything anywhere.

I am going to keep practicing forgetting my phone...if I remember! :)

Our Shop Local Delmarva Scholarship

AND if you haven't heard we are giving away $1,000 to a local student from our Supporters, Partners, and Sponsors. For all the details just click here.

Submissions will be accepted through Aug. 31, 2022,

The winning recipient will be announced by the end of September 2022. Entries will be judged by a team of community members from Shop Local Delmarva.

Students in Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline, Accomack, Sussex and Kent counties are invited to enter.


Shop Local Delmarva

And don't forget our Supporters, Partners, and Sponsors.

You may notice certain businesses are highlighted and standout not only in the directory but we highlight them on our Facebook Page as well as our group. This ever growing list of businesses help us promote  a lot of great things in our community. Many of our blogs which you can find right here are focused on our community and our local businesses.

Many of these businesses are helping us promote other local businesses. Which really is what Delmarva is all about. I am asked quite often how a business can be part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you are part of our group you are part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you like the group and like the concept of a digital type of media that we share blogs, videos, highlights and features and want to be part of it we would love to have your support. You can find out more information here. All of our supporters, partners, and sponsors are on the rotating banners on most of our blogs just like this one.

If any of our supporters, partners, or sponsors have upcoming events we encourage them to let us know so we can help them promote them as well.

The whole idea of Shop Local Delmarva is all about our local community supporting local businesses, and our local businesses supporting our local community. It goes round and round.

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