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Business is Business

We have all heard that saying business is business, or maybe it's not personal it's business. I hate those sayings. It is very personal when you have a customer or a client that you have dealt with for years leave. Hopefully you have developed a relationship that you can discuss things and even if things don't work out you can still remain friends or acquaintances.

You Will Win Some, Lose Some

You will never please everyone, you will never be the cheapest every time, some times you may lose a customer that you had a great relationship with. But how you handle losing the customer can make a big difference.

Keeping the Door Open

It is really easy to let your emotions get the best of you in a situation like this. But being professional and making the transition smooth as possible can be the first step in keeping the door open. And that is something that I always try to mention that we would love the opportunity to earn their business back if things don't work out. I have had times that I should have just taken a deep breath and done just that. It is hard to do that and not try to get your point across when you know that something isn't right.

Keeping the Door Open - Unless

When it happens to be someone that you are saying in your head good riddance then maybe it is for the best. If that first thought that comes to mind when you learn they are leaving is good. That is not good. That is a customer/client that maybe isn't a good fit for you anyway.

It's kind of funny but this is how I feel sometimes about our group. When I see the same name get reported or pop up in my alerts. And I start reading the comment or post and feel my blood start to boil I really don't have a problem removing them from the group either. 

Mutual Relationships

One of the hardest things is having relationships or friendships that can be complicated by business. We all want to support our friends and family. But learning of how so many business relationships come to an end really is sad. You may let little things slide because you don't want to rock the boat. But these are the most important ones to be professional. These are the ones who when you get the text or call, or email and you are out of the office you need to just make sure you re-read your email or text. I have caught myself so many times getting ready to send something and when I read it, it sounds completely different than the way I intended it to. Had I said it over the phone it would have been fine...but remember people might read things and hear a tone or detect and attitude that wasn't there you were just in a hurry.

Treat People the Way You Want to Be Treated

If everyone just did this one simple thing it would make things so much easier. Be kind and just remember what goes around comes around.


Shop Local Delmarva

And don't forget our Supporters, Partners, and Sponsors.

You may notice certain businesses are highlighted and standout not only in the directory but we highlight them on our Facebook Page as well as our group. This ever growing list of businesses help us promote  a lot of great things in our community. Many of our blogs which you can find right here are focused on our community and our local businesses.

Many of these businesses are helping us promote other local businesses. Which really is what Delmarva is all about. I am asked quite often how a business can be part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you are part of our group you are part of Shop Local Delmarva. If you like the group and like the concept of a digital type of media that we share blogs, videos, highlights and features and want to be part of it we would love to have your support. You can find out more information here. All of our supporters, partners, and sponsors are on the rotating banners on most of our blogs just like this one.

If any of our supporters, partners, or sponsors have upcoming events we encourage them to let us know so we can help them promote them as well.

The whole idea of Shop Local Delmarva is all about our local community supporting local businesses, and our local businesses supporting our local community. It goes round and round.

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